HOT SELLING dresses !!

LILYLILY sneak preview x 預告篇
[ hot items restocked | 熱賣商品補貨LAHH!]

Roll the drums! Guess what, the HOT SELLING dresses are back, what's even better? it comes with more varieties now. Sit back and relax, catch us tomorrow 12/02/2015 (thursday) 10:00am at lilylily.com.my .

各位愛人 歷經千辛萬苦 荊棘載途 頭破血流 一把眼淚一把汗 (翻白眼,版主也太浮誇了吧) 我們終於成功補貨啦! 承蒙大家的喜愛,上一批 AILEY 系列被秒殺後 仍有大批的客戶陸續的私訊 希望我們能補貨,這次我們也 引進更多的款式任君挑選,希望大家能夠趕在農曆新年前 買到喜歡的衣服 開開心心過年去~ 
衷心感謝大家的厚愛 你們是我們的動力 小女子下台一鞠躬。

Highlight remark: Customers are able to receive parcel before CNY for any purchase made before 16/02/2015 (monday) before 2pm, any order comes in later than that, customer might be receiving after 21/02/2015 (saturday), sorry if there is any inconvenience, abang postman cuti CNY lahh.

注:要趕在新年前拿到包裹的妹妹們 必須在 16/02/2015 (星期一)下午2點 前購買 以免失望噢~



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